
I am one with the Power that created me, and this Power has given me the ability to create my own circumstances.

When life hands you lemons, ideally you can make lemonade. You might even have the sugar and water already within your reach right now! What a huge advantage this is for you in your lemonade making endeavors! But if you do not have those ingredients, you might still be close to a store that carries the products you need, and you also might have the money and transportation to go to that store and purchase those items. To make lemonade, you will require the tools for the job, or the ability to access those tools. A bowl, pitcher, or some kind of container is essential. If you do not have a home for your lemonade, you will not be able to make it. If you do not have, or cannot acquire, a knife or a juicer, making lemonade becomes a lot harder. Depending on your circumstances, it may even become impossible, because juicing those lemons without the proper tools will take more time and energy, and you may not have one or either of those. In order to make lemonade, you must also have the knowledge of how to make it, as well as the time to apply that knowledge. While it is technically possible to make lemonade even if you don’t have the strong support structure and self-esteem that would inspire you to believe that you can make it, having support greatly increases the possibility that you will succeed. If you have health issues, or physical or mental limitations that prevent you from being able to make lemonade, you will not be able to make lemonade. 

I don’t like this affirmation. 

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